Santa on a pogo stick, the fucking world is on fire. How the fuck is it still up for debate whether some humans are more or less human than others, and even if they are, actually, the same fucking species(spoiler alert: they fucking are), are they the right kind of human? Are they the kind that deserves the basic rights that we are CAPABLE of providing? It's not as if we don't have the food, space, money, clean water, love, compassion, protection, energy, clothing, resources. These things are abundant, and they are wasted. They are hoarded, and doled out to the "worthy". Whether worthy means that you were born into the privilege that keeps you safe, and lets you feel like this is a thing you get to debate or play devil's advocate about, and not an eternal life or death struggle, or if worthy means that you just learned to grovel well enough to those that were. Us "lower classes" are treated as pets at best, diseased vermin at worst. If you do exactly as I say, when I say it, if you are sure to know your place, then we can see about making sure you survive the winter, yeah? Aren't you so LUCKY to be able to trade your time, your energy, your individuality, your spark, your god-be- fucking-damned life for the opportunity to help someone buy their fucking sixteen year old a lexus, or finance renovations on their 3 million dollar home, not because anything is wrong, but because "well you know, darling, I just can't STAND this tile anymore, it is so 2005"? Dance, show pony, dance. Dance until you fucking bleed, but always make sure to smile. Just to survive. And of course that's only if you're "palatable". POC/trans*/struggling with mental health or addiction/just not fucking pretty enough? GTFO.
The people that we perceive as running the world Do Not Want Us. Unless of course it's time to make them coffee, suck their dick or make sure the dog they didn't really research before getting has someone to take it for a fucking walk. They need us for these jobs and then shame us for having them. Oh, there are better ways to make a living? Well, who's gonna fuck your husband for you while you're in Barbados, Susan? Who's going to install that new marble island? PEOPLE WITH THE SKILLS YOU LACK. Your soapbox is made from the flesh and blood of people just trying to survive while you deny them the opportunity to thrive with your greed. We run their fucking world for them.
Steal from corporations. Be gay. SUPPORT MARGINALIZED FOLX. Stay as safe as you can. The only cleansing this species needs is a cleansing of racist, capitalistic, misogynistic, transphobic, whorephobic, xenophobic, awful fucking greedy garbage viewpoints.